The founder of GAON Company Mr. Kwon was a research engineer at Enbion engineering Inc. and he was developed Twinstar full RGB LED lights for the planted aquarium. Now he has established his own company and he promised to develop very high quality, unique design, and very effective full RGB LED lights. GAON Company started its journey from 2017.
Our RGB LED light is unique in its aesthetic design, easy settings, adjustable stand that is fit for all size tanks, 2 in 1 facilities where you can hang or stand with your tank, produce low heat, customized adapter pack for different countries, comparatively low price, low carbon emission, environment friendly, wide-angle PCB that will penetrate lights all corner of your aquarium, help to photosynthesis process and let them grow all plants similar strengths. Our products accepted by customers with very high satisfaction in Korean customers. Now we are ready to sell our products globally. Hope we will get enthusiastic acceptance of our lights from aquarium hobbyist all over the world.
상담시간 오후 12:00 ~ 오후 18:00
매주 금토일요일 휴무
신한 100-032-584314
예금주: 가온컴퍼니(권오현)
(우 : 44222 ) 울산광역시 북구 매곡산업로 52, 창성 사무동 1층 (매곡동) 가온컴퍼니
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